The Shires in the Snow

The Shires in the Snow
Does this scarf make my butt look big??

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

April.. you said April....

Yes.... April.

The Farmgirls of the Heartland would like to host a Victorian Tea at Shoal Creek Living History Museum in April.

The date is still undecided. We must have 12 paid reservations to have the event.
The tea will be $15 per person.

Please let me know if you or you and a guest would like to attend this event.

Shoal Creek Living History Museum is located near Liberty, MO just off 152 hwy and Shoal Creek.

Spring will be in the air!!!! I hope.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy, happy New Year !!!

Hello Farmgirls,

Let's start this new year out right. No new years' resolutions, only goals.
I just read a wonderful way to reach our goals.

Everyone make a list of the things you want to achieve this year.
Now narrow that list to just 3 for this month.
What three things are you GOING to accomplish this month towards your goal for the year???

Next month you can make a new list of three more goals. This is doable task for me.
Let us know how it works for you.

Welcome to all the new farmgirls who have asked about Farmgirls of the Heartland.
Look forward to meeting you soon.

Everyone take a moment and think of something you would like to learn more about this year.
What can you TEACH other farmgirls.?
Do we want to have a badge-in and work on badges for a meeting or two?
Where do you want to travel to? Do you know about Sisters on the Fly? Farmgirls on the Loose?
Do you have suggestions for chairtable projects?

Keep the ideas flowing. Nothing is worse than stale bread or a stale chapter.

Happy January.